
2015 Hack Midwest “Best in Show”

NomN8 - Mobile App
NomN8 - Mobile App

Project Details

The team which stayed awake hacking from 7/18 @ 10am to 7/19 @ 12pm (and hours before and after) walked away from Hack Midwest with the top prize of “Best in Show”​. There were approximately 90 developers – 18-20 teams. Our team built from scratch a site allowing people to create a new event, which focused on breakfasts / lunches / dinners and invite people to that event. Those invited would receive emails allowing them to say yes or no. The main page would allow users in the group to select their choice of restaurant from a list of closest (and best) places. That list was delivered via Yelp – a feed built into the app. A voting method was then used to determine the target location for the event. We delivered the pitch in less than 7 min. in a zombie-like state; apparently the last minute motivation was enough to rouse smiles.

Some thoughts I had, “Our site was fully functional after 24 hours of coding with some interesting (and new) software implementations. Our team was diverse; the distinct expertise each member had led to a manageable yet fun experience. IMO, what really made the solution impactful was the artistic vision and content creation Daniel and Kevin delivered. We took the award not just for functionality, but for synergy! “​

The artists took full advantage of “NOM” and the fact the app was catering (sorry!) towards meals; cute monsters adorned the website.

Participants on team: Justin Rosenberg, Bobby Williams, Daniel Ash, Kevin French, and Cody Bennett.

  • User Experience
  • Wireframe
  • Site Layout Concept
  • Front-end development: HTML, CSS, jQuery, and PHP
  • E-mail Template development: HTML, CSS